'erb' Refers to Embedded Ruby, which is a template engine in which Ruby language embeds into HTML. To make it clearer: Is the engine needed to be able to use the Ruby language with all its features inside HTML code.
Rails use erb as its default engine to render views. It uses a specific implementation called erubi.
To use erb in Rails, files should all have a .html.erb extension for Rails to process them in its asset-pipeline.
An ERB template is a file that ends with an .html.erb
or .erb
- example test.erb
require 'erb'
input = <<-HEREDOC
<% (0..5).each do |i| %>
<%# This is a comment %>
<li><%= i %> is <%= i.even? ? 'even' : 'odd' %>.</li>
<% end %>
parser = ERB.new(input)
output = parser.result
print output