
The emerge --ask --update --deep --newuse @world

The emerge --ask --update --deep --newuse @world command in Gentoo is more similar in purpose to apt -y full-upgrade (or apt-get dist-upgrade) in Debian-based distributions like Ubuntu than to apt -y upgrade. Here's why:

apt -y upgrade: This command upgrades installed packages to their latest available versions but doesn't perform major system upgrades or install new packages to satisfy dependencies. It is primarily used for routine package maintenance.

apt -y full-upgrade (or apt-get dist-upgrade): This command is used for more significant system upgrades. It not only upgrades installed packages but can also install or remove packages to handle complex dependency changes and updates that might involve changes in package dependencies.

emerge --ask --update --deep --newuse @world: This Gentoo command is more similar to apt -y full-upgrade because it not only upgrades installed packages (--update) but also considers deep dependencies (--deep) and adjusts USE flags based on the newuse information (--newuse). This means it can perform more significant updates, including rebuilding packages or changing compilation options as needed to maintain compatibility with the updated packages.

So, if you want to draw a closer parallel between the Gentoo command and Debian-based commands, emerge --ask --update --deep --newuse @world is conceptually similar to apt -y full-upgrade in terms of the extent of updates and potential system-wide changes it can perform. However, please note that the actual behavior and mechanisms of package management differ significantly between Gentoo and Debian-based distributions due to their distinct package management philosophies.

sudo eselect news read new

Yes, in some cases, you may need to use sudo to read the news using eselect news read new as a superuser, especially if the news file requires elevated privileges to access. However, when using sudo, you might encounter issues with arrow keys and scrolling.

If arrow keys and scrolling don't work as expected when using sudo, it may be because the terminal is not preserving the correct terminal settings when running commands as a superuser. To work around this issue, you can try the following:

Use sudo with the -E option to preserve your environment variables:

sudo -E eselect news read new The -E option tells sudo to preserve the environment variables, which includes settings related to your terminal.

If the above doesn't work, you can try using a pager program like less to read the news:

sudo eselect news read new | less

/bin is not included in the $PATH? Why??