
# This command sets the script to exit immediately if any command within it returns a non-zero (error) status.
#It's a way to ensure that the script stops executing if any command fails.
set -e

# installkernel script calls postinst.d without any DEB_MAINT_PARAMS set
# linux-image-* postinst calls postinst.d with DEB_MAINT_PARAMS set
# do nothing in case linux-image-* calls this, as it already calls `linux-update-symlinks`
[ -z "$DEB_MAINT_PARAMS" ] || exit 0

# installkernel must call postinst.d with two args, version & image_path

[ -n "$version" ] || exit 0
[ -n "$image_path" ] || exit 0

# call linux-update-symlinks in install mode, which will correctly
# update vmlinuz & initrd.img symlinks. Even if initrd.img does not
# exist yet, or has already been created by the initramfs-update
# postinst.d hook. It will also honor kernel_img.conf settings to
# link_in_boot yes/no. Thus matching behaviour of linux-image-*
# postinst call to linux-update-symlinks.
tmp=$(lsblk -f | grep "boot" | grep "vfat")
if [[ $tmp == *vfat* ]]; then
   echo "Cpoy $image_path to /boot/Image"
   cp $image_path /boot/Image
   linux-update-symlinks install $version $image_path

exit 0