"Noto CJK" refers to a set of fonts developed by Google as part of the Noto font family. The term "CJK" stands for Chinese, Japanese, and Korean, which are three East Asian languages that share a common set of characters and symbols. The Noto CJK fonts are designed to provide a comprehensive and consistent set of glyphs (characters) for these languages.
The Noto font family, in general, aims to support all the world's languages with a harmonious and consistent look. It is an open-source project, and Google has made these fonts freely available for use. The inclusion of Chinese, Japanese, and Korean scripts in the Noto CJK fonts is particularly important because these languages have a large number of characters, and providing comprehensive font support for them can be challenging.
By using Noto CJK fonts, developers and designers can ensure that their applications and websites display East Asian characters correctly and consistently across different platforms and devices. This helps in promoting a more inclusive and accessible user experience for speakers of Chinese, Japanese, and Korean languages.
install on ubuntu
sudo apt install fonts-noto-cjk
install archlinux
sudo pacman -Sy noto-fonts-cjk