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One popular and lightweight web server that can render Markdown files on the fly and list directories is called "Caddy". Caddy is an open-source, HTTP/2-enabled web server that comes with many useful features, including support for Markdown rendering and directory listing.

Here's how you can use Caddy to serve a directory of Markdown files:

:8080 {
    root * /path/to/your/directory
- This configuration tells Caddy to serve the contents of /path/to/your/directory on port 8080, enable directory browsing (browse), and render Markdown files (markdown) on the fly.
caddy start
- Your Markdown files should now be accessible at http://localhost:8080/.

Note that you can customize the look and feel of the directory listing and the Markdown rendering by adding additional configuration options to your Caddyfile. Check out the official Caddy documentation for more information.

In summary, Caddy is a full-featured web server known for its simplicity and ease of use, while Xcaddy is a tool that helps you build custom versions of Caddy with specific plugins and modules.