
This is a web package using postgreSQL and Ruby to keep rack of what I have been reading. For example, 天声人語、週刊文春… 

The Dtabase tables are:

  1. authors(pubisher)
  2. posts
  3. categories
    • Categories are a way to group related posts together based on broad topics. They are typically used to create a site's main navigation menu, and each category may have subcategories to further organize the content. For example, a blog about food might have categories like "recipes," "restaurant reviews," and "food news."
  4. tags
    • Tags, on the other hand, are more specific and granular. They are used to label individual posts with relevant keywords or topics. Tags help readers find related content across categories and can be used to create a tag cloud or search functionality. For example, a recipe post might be tagged with ingredients like "chicken," "pasta," and "avocado."