WebRTC Best Practices: Understanding STUN, TURN, and ICE Servers Ecosmob Technologies Nov 30, 2023
- Through STUN, clients may discover what kind of NAT they are behind and their public addresses. With the use of this data, P2P networking with other STUN-capable devices is made possible.
- When STUN is insufficient, TURN is utilized. Data is relayed between peers via TURN servers if a direct P2P connection. Despite being less effective than a direct link, this makes sure that even in the most constrained networks, communication is achievable.
ICE: -A system called ICE (Interactive Connectivity Establishment) combines TURN and STUN to guarantee that any two peers can open a communication channel. It starts with the most basic STUN-based approach and, if necessary, falls back on the TURN relay to determine the optimal path for the connection utilizing all available options.