

The followings are my implementation of RocketChatLaiKos,

Version 7.0.0 Deployment ID 4e434a6a-ce1c-40aa-94df-089674150dda Cloud Workspace ID 66cab8047bae5faddc32bcd4 Apps Engine Version 1.47.0 Node Version v20.17.0 Database Migration 318 (November 29, 2024 8:29 AM) MongoDB 8.0.3 / wiredTiger (oplog Enabled) Commit Details HEAD: (dfc7e0e87) Branch: HEAD Release 7.0.0 PID 2971

? where is the unique ID

In your provided implementation details, the Unique ID you’re referring to appears to be related to the Cloud Workspace ID.

Here’s a breakdown of what each term means and where the Unique ID is located: Breakdown of Your Implementation Details:

Version: Rocket.Chat version you're using (7.0.0 in this case).
Deployment ID: This is a unique identifier for your specific Rocket.Chat deployment. In your case: 4e434a6a-ce1c-40aa-94df-089674150dda.
Cloud Workspace ID: This is the unique ID assigned to your Rocket.Chat workspace in the cloud. This ID is unique to your workspace and can be used to identify your workspace in the system. In your case: 66cab8047bae5faddc32bcd4. This is likely the Unique ID mentioned in the error message.
Apps Engine Version: Version of the Rocket.Chat Apps Engine.
Node Version: The version of Node.js being used (v20.17.0).
Database Migration: Indicates the migration number and the timestamp of the migration.
MongoDB: The version of MongoDB in use, which is 8.0.3 / wiredTiger (oplog Enabled) in this case.
Commit Details: Information about the current commit and branch for your Rocket.Chat codebase.
PID: The process ID of the Rocket.Chat server process.

Where Is the Unique ID?

The Cloud Workspace ID (66cab8047bae5faddc32bcd4) is the Unique ID in this context. It’s a unique identifier for your specific Rocket.Chat cloud workspace.

This ID is used by Rocket.Chat to identify your workspace in the cloud, and it is what gets updated or checked when there is a change in the workspace URL, server configuration, or data.

So, in your case, the Unique ID is 66cab8047bae5faddc32bcd4 (the Cloud Workspace ID).