# HARAKA_VERSION="3.0.5" defined in 01_install_commits.sh
npm install --production --no-optional --no-package-lock --no-audit --no-shrinkwrap --unsafe-perm -g Haraka@$HARAKA_VERSION
The command you provided is for installing the Haraka email server globally using npm (Node Package Manager). Here’s a breakdown of the options used:
install: This command tells npm to install a package. --production: Installs only the dependencies required for running the application, excluding devDependencies. --no-optional: Skips the installation of optional dependencies. --no-package-lock: Prevents the creation of a package-lock.json file. --no-audit: Disables auditing of the package for vulnerabilities. --no-shrinkwrap: Ignores any existing npm-shrinkwrap.json file. --unsafe-perm: Allows scripts to run with root privileges; this is sometimes necessary for global installs. -g: Installs the package globally, making it accessible from anywhere on the system. Haraka@$HARAKA_VERSION: Specifies the package name (Haraka) and uses the version stored in the environment variable HARAKA_VERSION
$ command -v haraka
The command haraka -i /opt/haraka is used to initialize a new Haraka email server instance in the specified directory (/opt/haraka). Here’s a brief explanation of what it does:
haraka: This is the command to run Haraka.
- -i: This option stands for "initialize," and it sets up a new Haraka instance.
- /opt/haraka: This is the directory where the new Haraka instance will be created. After running this command, Haraka will create the necessary configuration files and directories in /opt/haraka, allowing you to customize and run your email server from that location.
$ ls -l /opt/haraka/
total 24
drwxr-xr-x 3 deploy deploy 4096 Sep 27 14:42 config
drwxr-xr-x 2 deploy deploy 6 Sep 27 14:40 docs
drwxr-xr-x 134 deploy deploy 8192 Sep 27 14:40 node_modules
-rw-r--r-- 1 deploy deploy 249 Sep 27 14:40 package.json
drwxr-xr-x 3 deploy deploy 22 Sep 27 14:40 plugins
drwxr-xr-x 2 wildduck wildduck 6 Sep 27 14:41 queue
-rw-r--r-- 1 deploy deploy 906 Sep 27 14:40 README