************************************************************ * CONTENTS OF THIS DOCUMENT ************************************************************ This document contains the following sections: 1. Institution that create the media 2. Application that create the media 3. Contents of the media 4. DICOM Viewer Information 5. Web Viewer Inforamtion ************************************************************ * 1. Institution that create the media ************************************************************ Institution: INFINITT Co., Ltd phone: +822-2194-1600 e-mail: infinitt@infinitt.com Address: Daerung Post Tower III 12F, 182-4 Guro-Dong, Guro-Gu, Seoul, Korea 152-050 Date: 2008/09/12 ************************************************************ * 2. Application that create the media ************************************************************ Application: CD Publisher Version: Company: INFINITT Co., Ltd. phone: +82-2-2194-1600 e-mail: infinitt@infinitt.com Address: Daerung Post Tower III 12F, 182-4 Guro-Dong, Guro-Gu, Seoul, Korea 152-050 ************************************************************ * 3. Contents of the media ************************************************************ root irectory ----- INDEX.HTM (required) | | ----- README.TXT (required) | | ----- DICOMDIR (required) | | ----- IMAGE (required) | | ----- IHE_PDI (optional) | | ----- DATA (optional) | | ----- WEBVIEW (optional) 1. 'INDEX.HTM' contain the information like below - Institution information that created the interchange media - A disclaimer statement about privacy/security from the institution - A manifest that lists the data that can be imported by a Portable Media Importer Actor - A link to the Web Viewer - A link to the DICOM Viewer - A link to the README.TXT - The media type ("DICOM ONLY", "DICOM PLUS WEB") - The patient(s)/Study information which is in the media 2. 'README.TXT' contain the information like below - Contact information regarding the institution that created the media - Name of the product application and software version that created the media - Contact information of vender that provided the application that created the media - General information about the content of media - Information regarding the media dicom viewer * Operation system(s) supported * Name of the product application and software version * Contact information of vender that provided the media viewer application * Disclaimer statement about the intended usage of the application * List of minimum requirement 3. 'DICOMDIR'is DICOM file associated with DICOM files in the 'Image' directory 4. 'IMAGE' directory contain the DICOM files 5. 'DATA' directory contain DICOM Viewer and other directory and files, which are associated with DICOM Viewer 6. 'WEBVIEW' contain Web Viewer and other directory and files, which are associated with Web Viewer ************************************************************ * 4. DICOM Viewer Information ************************************************************ Application: DICOM Viewer for CD publisher Version: Company: INFINITT Co., Ltd. phone: +82-2-2194-1600 e-mail: infinitt@infinitt.com Address: Daerung Post Tower III 12F, 182-4 Guro-Dong, Guro-Gu, Seoul, Korea 152-050 Required System(s): OS - Windows 2000/XP RAM - 256Mb HDD - 4Gb CD-Rom Drive INFINITT Co., Ltd. is making no claims of usability, efficacy or warranty about this application that is completely defined the licensed use of this software. ************************************************************ * 4. Web Viewer Information ************************************************************ Application: Web Viewer for CD publisher Version: Company: INFINITT Co., Ltd. phone: +82-2-2194-1600 e-mail: infinitt@infinitt.com Address: Daerung Post Tower III 12F, 182-4 Guro-Dong, Guro-Gu, Seoul, Korea 152-050 Required System(s): OS - Windows 2000/XP IE 5.5 (upper) RAM - 256Mb HDD - 4Gb INFINITT Co., Ltd. is making no claims of usability, efficacy or warranty about this application that is completely defined the licensed use of this software. Copyright (c) 1997-2008, INFINITT Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.