
If the most desirable volume of morphine was determined, it will be changed into morphine pad. Then we are palnning to move back to home, currently shooting for 2024-02-19, next Monday. This move, Milly should feel more comfortable.

Time in out Medicine BPM Others
00:50 morphine 5mg shot
02:19 Taita No5 400ml
05:00 morphine 5mg shot
05:40 water 20cc pee 0cc
06:20 Metrocloprimide 3.84mg
07:20 When I came, doctor asked my permisiion to insert tube to help to pee. I knew Milly will like like it. And I suggested Ultrasonic of kindeys,and found pee is about 80cc. Not urgent to do that. They did not check the record that Milly has Taita No5. 400ml and water 130cc in and 510cc pee out?
07:40 Accupuncture
08:30 water 20cc pee 100cc
08:53 morphine shot 5mg, diuretics
11:50 water 20cc pee 100cc Shaomei went back home@12:29
13:12 morphine shot 5mg Sleeping away since last post, tossing and snoring occasionally with mouth little open
14:22 Draw blood to test request CA19-9
15:17 water 60cc, ice cream 5 spoons pee 10cc Ms. Sennhui suggested we move back to house, currently planned on 2024-02-19 Next Monday.
15:45 morphine pad ??
17:25 medicine to prevent gas in stomach
19:30 water 20cc pee 30cc
20:35 sleeping pills and prevent nausea or vomit medicine
21:45 morphine shot 5mg ??