
will get an oil massage 09:00, let's observe this two hours' status. whether she is stable? agitated? ... then after the massage, when she will be agitated at which hour?

Blood Pressure 08:50 86/43 low 注意!!

@16:05 when she was put on stool to pee, hand and legs are not shaking. Legs will keep on moving when she pulled her leg up. Stopping using Haloperidol seems to work.???

After peeing, @16:30 legs and hands are shaking and moving.

Doc came @19:40, and started a series of test on blood and urine and X-rays on lung. The lung was infected and BT 38.1, BP kept on going down. An antibiotics was injected. A blood infusion caused body's shaking so was taken off. They tried to call my mobile or office @21:48 but no one answered. My mobile is in silient mode, and office phone no body answered. Milly is on her last journey.

Time in out Medicine BPM Others
00:00 morphine shot
02:25 Taita No5 400ml
06:00 pee 160cc morphine shot
07:44 BT 37.1 in ear
08:50 Famotidine Stomach bp 86/43 94%/89. BT 37.5
09:00 oil massage till 11:00
11:05 pee 5cc the Taita dripping seemed not feeding, I increased it
12:15 morphine shot BP 96/43, BT 36.7, 97%
15:25 I came and she was in deep sleep since this morning, even getting a oil massage or peeing
16:05 pee 100cc
16:25 Doc did a ultrasonic, about 100cc pee in kindey I asked the doc to use Lorazepam sleeping pill instead of Haloperidol, if she agitated tonight
16:50 Shaking would stop ocasionally and went into sleep, still liked to pull up the legs then the legs would sway right and left observation were too early, shaking still went on.
17:52 morphine shot about 20 mins she fall into sleep
19:20 BT 38.1, ice pack
19:40 doc came, ...
20:00 pee 200cc by insertion of tube got blood and uruine to test
20:30 X-rays of lung, had infection
21:48 try to call my mobile, I did not answer. I was in bed
22:10 anti-biotics of lung