- water 90cc
- pee 50cc
- pee 150cc
- water 150cc
- Diplenidol 25mg, medicine to supress diziness
Shila said she slept well last night. And when I came about 7:15, she was in a deep sleep and making some noise and snoring away.
- New Bag of Taita No. 5, 400ml
- pee 150cce
- water 150cc, when drinking water she wet the panty and Shila bathed her.
- Blood Oxygen Level 99%
- What is heart beat ???
BPM is a machine measuring Oxygen Level in blood and heart beat
- BPM 97%
- 4 pills
- water 120CC
- pee 60cc
-10:30 - BPM 93%
- 12:00
- BPM 93%
12:40 - I came after nap - pee 350cc - water 100cc(Pocari Sweat) - Diphenidol 25mg/tab - BPM 96%/76 - sit up position, snoring away, with mouse little open and sometimes making a little sound
14:31 - Add supress nausea medicine into IV
15:20 - still in sit up postion
- ask her whether likes to pee, Ans. NO
- Shila came back from house
16:06 - 宣恵, the visiting nurse, came - taught how to let her pee the right way - get her up and hold for 5 minutes, to prevent nausea and dizziness - move her over to bedside and wait 5 mins - move body to stool - when finished, reverse the above - 宣恵 discussed with up the timimg of checkout of hospital's procedures - chnaging morphine from injech�i�n�e� �f�r�o�m - I have to learn how to connect and disconnect IV - buy or rent hospital bed, oxygen generator - no pee, but water 180 cc
17:00 - pee 160cc - water 90cc - BMP 98%/77
17:10 - Aunt Lanny and Uncle came to visit
17:36 - BMP 95%/72 - Aunt Lanny and Uncle and I went to 台中担子麺、 - 刺し身、oyster, 土托魚(超美味しい)、味噌汁、担子麺... very good meal this time.