This is to reply Frances's and Betty's e-mail:


We went down to 大鵬湾、 and tried to fix the sailing instruments. We did fix some but we still had some unaswered questions. So we still have to keep on trying. With the wind and boat speed fixed and could be displayed on the screen, next week we will sail out.

Betty, I will look around for the certificate and we I cound find it I will send it out.

Frances, congratulation. But supervising a contruction is a very tough work. After the new remodeling, are you going to sell it? Living in a big space like I am now, is a lonely work.

I started to feel sad that why Mom left me and don't feel like doing anything. But soon, the inheritance tax will be out, and after that I have to start thinking about the Ko's new construction.

Frances Lai Wed, Apr 17, 7:38 AM (1 day ago) to Tsung-yiu, me

Hi Dad - I got notified today, the city of Chicago approved my permit for construction. And today also, my bank notified me that my construction loan is ready to go. More than one year after I bought the place, we are getting underway. Finally.


-- Frances Lai cell: (617) 721-8980

Betty Lai Tue, Apr 16, 11:09 PM (2 days ago) to me

Hi dad: Hope you are ok. In the safe, do you have the certificate for the diamond ring mom left me? I need it for insurance purposes. It should be some sort of information on the ring? Thank you! Betty Sent from my iPhone I'll try to find it.Yes, I do.I will try to find it.